Six String Ink

It is what it is. For now.

“seemingly haphazard bombing”

July 19, 2006

Columbia Missourian
221 S 8th St
Columbia, MO 65201

Dear Columbia Missourian:

I am currently a Fulbrighter in Syria. Since the beginning of Israel’s
invasion of Lebanon, I have seen a great flux of Lebanese–Christians and
Muslims– coming through Damascus and have heard their sad tales. The
world must not turn a blind face to Israeli’s brutal invasion and
demolition of Lebanon. Women and children are continually dying. The
Israeli army is destroying all sorts of infrastructure that is sending the
country back to the Middle Ages. What is perhaps the worst part of this
unjust war against Lebanon is Israeli’s seemingly haphazard bombing of
Lebanon. Israel says it is only out to eradicate Hizbullah, but then why
is it bombing private factories, churches, and Christian and Muslim
residential areas? Additionally, why does it continue to shoot unarmed
civilians who are trying to leave the war zone? Please get this message
out to the community and our political leaders. I don’t want my community
to stand behind this kind of injustice.

July 19, 2006 - Posted by | Middle East

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